Notice of Auction & Raffle

There will be an AUCTION at The President’s Breakfast this year.  Brian Keene of BSK Services has kindly donated a 1 hour flight over Dorset.  This amazing prize will be auctioned at the breakfast.

 BSK Flight

Please don’t forget to donate a prize for the Raffle at the President’s Special Xmas Breakast 2015 at Kingston Maurward.

Please give generously – All profits are going to Local Charities.

Prizes to be left with the Receptionist at Porter Dodson, 53 High West Street, Dorchester, Dorset DT1 1UX by Friday, 4th December OR bring with you if you are attending the event.

However, please let me know what you are donating as I will send out a list of Prizes, Donors and Winners after the event.

For more information about the President’s Special Xmas Breakfast and to book, please visit